So the final test for pc reception was using the Nooelec SmarTee V2 with the Nooelec Sawbird+ NOAA 137 MHz pre-amp and filter. The results are shown in the two images below. Pretty darn good I think you’ll agree!
The filter appears to clean-up the image once you have a decent signal. Superb performance for the Smartee combination.
NOAA 19 northbound 16.56z 8 Feb 2021 MCIR with Precipitation enhancementNOAA 18 northbound 18.16z 8 Feb 2021 MCIR with Precipitation enhancement
That concludes the PC tests. Next indoor steps are to get the Raspberry Pi 4b decoding passes with the SmarTee/Sawbird combo and outdoors to get the turnstile antenna up.
Couple of images from yesterday and this morning using the Nooelec Smart V4 sdr-rtl usb stick. The first image I had the gain set at 34 db before increasing it about half way through the pass to 44 db. Made a large difference to the quality of reception. Seem like the new generation of rtl-sdr sticks are much better with high gain settings. The older ones would just overload badly.
Second pass is a southbound one for a change. One more test to go with a Nooelec SmartTee (built-in bias-t) with Sawbird 137 MHz filter. However I’d be amazed if I got better results as I’m pretty happy with what I’ve managed so far.
NOAA 19 northbound at 17.30z on 5 Feb 2021. MCIR with Precipitation enhancement. NOAA 18 southbound at 10.18z 6 Feb 2021. MCIR with Precipitation enhancement.
So continuing my experiments I plugged in my Airspy Discovery HF+, checked all was working ok with SDR# V1780 and configured VAC so I could direct audio output from SDR# into wxtoimg. If anyone is interested the VAC settings which worked for me are shown in the image below.
VAC settings for weather satellite reception
I then fired up wxtoimg and set the Recording input to be VAC Line 1. You can then go into Windows 10 properties for VAC Line 1 (Recording) and click Listen to This. So you can hear the satellite audio as it is being piped into wxtoimg. I set the SDR# mode to be WFM with a 34k bandwidth. The results were the two images below. I’m pretty pleased with the pictures. Next step is to see how a Nooelec Smart SDR and a Nooelec Smartee (with built-in Bias-T) to power a Sawbird NOAA 137 MHz filter and pre-amp work. And if it ever stops raining for a day or two to get the turnstile antenna up.
NOAA 19 northbound at 17.53z pristine image.NOAA 15 northbound at 18.41z MCIR enhancement image.