Superb Tropo

Last couple of days (Monday and Tuesday 23/24 September 2013) have seen some superb tropo condtions in London. I’ve mainly focused on band II dxing with my modded Sony XDR-HD and Triax FM7 (FM8 without front reflector 🙁 ) at about 9m AGL on a cheap rotator though I was beaming at 120 degrees for 90% of the time.

I used the superb FMLIST both to identify stations (or more accurately their probable locations) and also to log my catches. FMLIST offers a graphical representation of your online logbook and mine can be seen here: I think most of the tropo duct was to my SE though I did occaisonally move the beam to 180 degrees as you can see.

Highlights include Hitradio Ö3 in Salzburg (1055 km from home QTH), Antenne Bayern from Hochries (1002 km) and SRF 1 and 3 from Säntis (851 km) in Switzerland.